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时间:2020-05-20 16:57:40    来源:国际财经网    浏览次数:    我来说两句() 字号:TT


In the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as the first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always in the wind and rain, wish the world well, human health!










Art life:

Jiang Zheng, male, born in 1946, is a national first-class artist, national etiquette artist, and the positioning language given by CCTV to Mr. Jiang Zheng: he is a gifted painter with advanced thinking and six unique arts. Deputy Secretary General of new literature and art group calligrapher Art Committee of Chinese Calligrapher Association, consultant of China Century University calligrapher and painter academy, graduated from the oil painting major of Hubei Normal University, senior art retired teacher of Hubei Wuchang experimental middle school, member of Hubei Art Education Research Association, member of Wuhan Artists Association. He is the most talented painter who invented new paintings in the world for more than 600 years.

The invention of rotary painting prompts people to observe things from all directions and multiple perspectives in order to have a correct judgment and choice. The invention of rotary painting is a great breakthrough in the thinking of artistic creation in the history of human painting.

For more than 40 years, he has guided more than 1000 students to win awards at all levels in international and domestic calligraphy and painting competitions, and provided more than 100 art talents for more than 24 famous domestic universities.

Jiang Zheng's maxim: a nation's artistic creation thinking is the soul of the nation's classic works of art that can be based on the world's art forest.

In 1994, Jiang Zheng's thought of art education was put forward: guiding art with thinking, promoting learning with art, and expanding thinking with learning.

When you are interested in art, what matters is not learning, but learning. Savvy depends on interest. If you are interested, you will have savvy. If you are savvy, you will have inspiration. If you are inspired, you will have creation. If you are creative, you will have art works. Learning is only the perceptual knowledge of the surface things. Through countless perceptual knowledge, it gradually rises to the rational knowledge. Therefore, from learning to learning, only learning can reach the highest level of art.

Interest plus perseverance plus thinking equals success. Art is the best way to cultivate young people's creative thinking, and other disciplines are unparalleled.

In 2019, the 19th century grand gathering style (Chinese painting art meritorious Figure).

世界新画种发明之一:旋转油画《梵高印象》50×60cm 2009年 此画旋转欣赏可出现四幅不同画面,属世界画坛绝品。前无古人,后无来者。

One of the world's new painting inventions: the rotating oil painting "Van Gogh impression" 50 × 60cm. In 2009, four different pictures can appear in the rotating appreciation of this painting, which is a unique painting in the world. Never before, never after.

世界画坛新画种发明之二:正倒中国画《老夫少妇》64.5×63.5cm 2015年 此画倒过来欣赏是《都市雪夜》。此画突破几干来世界绘画艺术史上的传统格局,把艺术思维与绘画元素统一在瞬间的转换之中。前无古人,后无来者。

The second invention of a new type of painting in the world: the Chinese painting "the old man and the young woman" is 64.5 × 63.5cm. In 2015, the painting was viewed as "the snowy night in the city". This painting breaks through the traditional pattern in the history of world painting art, unifies the artistic thinking and painting elements in the instantaneous transformation. Never before, never after.

世界画坛新画种发明之三:拼贴油画《齐白石肖像》78×108cm 2015年 此画用擦油画笔废弃的颜料纸待晾干后剪贴成画。近看乱糟糟,远看酷似油画,别有油画风味。

The third invention of a new type of painting in the world: Collage oil painting "Qi Baishi portrait" 78 × 108CM in 2015, the painting was cut and pasted into a picture with the waste paint paper of oil brush after being dried. Near to see chaos, far to see like oil painting, do not have oil painting flavor.

世界画坛新画种发明之四:正倒中国书法《寿》,倒过来欣赏是《爱》,90×100cm 2014年 寿与爱字行不同,笔画数不同,将两字完美统一在一个构架中实属“挑战不可能”突破几千年来中国书法创作与欣赏的传统格局,独创正倒中国书法新思维。

The fourth invention of new painting species in the world painting world: life is the reverse of Chinese calligraphy, but love is the reverse appreciation. In 2014, life is 90 × 100cm different from love line, and the number of strokes is different. It is "impossible to challenge" to integrate the two characters perfectly in one work, breaking through the traditional pattern of Chinese calligraphy creation and appreciation for thousands of years, and creating a new thinking of Chinese calligraphy.


The fifth invention of new painting species in the world painting world: seal  (with great virtue), six foot rice paper, 2015. The book is written with sponge strips, breaking through the tradition of thousands of years of Chinese calligraphy written with brush, innovating writing tools and environmental protection.

世界画坛新画种发明之六:无笔中国画《雄风》45×69cm 2015年。此画用海棉条,布条,卡纸片等画成,突破几千年中国画的传说格局,提倡中国画工具的多样化,环保化。

The sixth invention of new painting species in the world painting circle: no pen Chinese painting "Xiongfeng" 45 × 69cm in 2015. This painting is made of sponge strips, cloth strips, cardboard pieces, etc., breaking through the legend pattern of thousands of years of Chinese painting, and advocating the diversification and environmental protection of Chinese painting tools.

油画《拿橄榄枝的男孩》70×100cm 2012年

Oil painting boy with olive branch 70 × 100cm 2012


Oil painting (violin solo: flowers and youth) 80 * 120cm

抽象油画《母女学国学》90×120cm 2009年

Abstract oil painting "mother daughter studies Chinese Studies" 90 × 120cm 2009


Oil painting (reading under the light) 90 * 120 cm 2009

钟南山院士(Academician Zhong Nanshan)

再见吧,美人儿(Goodbye, beauty)

五虾图(Five shrimps)

三友图(Three friends chart)

双虾图(Double shrimps)

虾王(Prawn King)



Mr. Jiang Zheng's works are appraised by senior figures in the domestic art circle:

It's really amazing to see Mr. Jiang Zheng's works. From the visual image of his works, it reflects a kind of reflection of eastern and Western culture, the collision of tradition and modern. Rotating painting can be appreciated from four angles. The magic effect presented is a major breakthrough in the history of human painting art. We have to admit that Mr. Jiang Zheng is a gifted oil painting geek. A unique way of thinking, a strong sense of creation, a highly expressive art form. For Mr. Jiang Zheng's paintings, we should not properly uate them, but feel and taste them from the perspective of a Chinese painter. For the "discontented" state of creation, he always has a steady stream of energy and soul to do a variety of practical attempts. I believe that Mr. Jiang Zheng's persistence can make his virtue and paintings reach a higher level of perfection, shine and shine in the Chinese painting worl

